Holiday Decor for 2020
November 8, 2020
Additional Equipment
November 16, 20202020 ANNUAL SURVEY
Help us plan future changes and get a discount
- We know things haven't exactly been “normal” this year. With the forced closures, limited openings and COVID related rules/restrictions it's hard to even think about what things will look like going into next year. But here we are asking you to think about just that. We are looking toward the future and hoping for a return to more normal operations in 2021 and we would like to hear from you. The questions below are your chance to let us know what you think and give your input on future plans for the studio. Things will be fluid going into the new year and it may take a while to get back to “normal” but we want to be ready for that eventuality.
- As a thank you we will provide a coupon code at the end of the survey. The coupon code is good for 20% off any single appointment and is valid only once per client.
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